December 14, 2023
The largest organ in the body, skin paves the way for obtaining confidence and when there is an abnormality in skin, it affects the person very badly. WHO has classified skin disease as psycho-cutaneous disease. This shows the deep connection of skin and our psychological health. Psoriasis is such a serious skin condition which manifest in different ways. It is considered as an autoimmune disease where thick patches and plaques appear on the skin along with various other symptoms. In Ayurveda skin diseases are explained under the name ‘Kushta Roga’. Further classifications of kushta roga can be seen in text books of Ayurveda where signs and symptoms are broadly described.
The main cause of the psoriasis disease is not clear among the medical fraternity. Various factors influence the pathogenesis of the condition includes genetic factor, dietary habits, infections, stress and long term medications. There are five main types of psoriasis explained: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic. This dreadful disease affects almost every part of body including scalp, joints and even nails. The recurring nature, chronicity and psychic intervention makes the management of psoriasis challenging.
In Ayurveda, among the various kushta roga, kitibha kushta and eka kushta show close resemblance with psoriasis. Here all the three doshas (body humors) are vitiated and it cause imbalance of the different dhatu (body tissues) like rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle) and lasika (lymph). Multiple etiological factors leading for the development of kushta roga are:
Diet: Over intake of food items such as sweets, sour foods, carbonated drinks, raw or uncooked food, unctuous and heavy eatables.
Virudhahara: The concept of incompatible food is called virudhaahara. The consumption of certain combination of food items affects the equilibrium of doshas which consummate in various other diseases including psoriasis.
Vegarodha: The suppression of natural urges (vega) will affects the natural systemic functions. This will cause the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Hereditary: A person whose family members had psoriasis will have a higher chance of developing the disease as a result of presence of certain genes.
Vihara: Unwholesome activities like exposing to extreme climate, intake of cold water after exposing the scorching sun, physical work outs after heavy meal etc. can affect the equilibrium of doshas.
Various etiological factors will hamper the normalcy of three doshas which inturn disturbs the dhatus (deep tissues). This leads to functional impairment in the metabolism and leads to the accumulation of toxins. This accumulated toxins causes blockage in the different channels carrying blood and lymph. As a result different lesions appear on the skin with characteristic features like Shyava varna (dark colored patches), kharatwa (roughness on the skin), parushatwam (hard skin lesions), ruksha (dry scales) and ugra kandu (severe itching). Erythmatous lesions in black color can be seen in chronic psoriasis. In psoriatic arthritis, lesions on the joints are present along with the manifestation of pain and swelling. In some cases of psoriasis, oozing of fluids is present with itching and burning sensation.
Management of Psoriasis
In the treatment protocols, balancing the three dosha is the prime focus. Ayurveda believe in nidana parivarjana as the first line of treatment. Nidana parivarjana is the process of avoidance or discontinuation of etiological factors. By doing this you can bring a pause in pathogenesis. This facilitates the applications of different therapies in the next stages.
Panchakarma: The exclusive detox program in Ayurveda science is considered as the best treatment in psoriasis. Repeated purification is needed in skin disease to remove the deep rooted toxins. By the process of vamana, controlled bouts of vomiting is induced with herbs. In severe conditions, two to three vamana can be done in a period of one month. The process of virechana is medicine induced purgation, where all the metabolic toxins are removed. Nithya virechanam (regular/daily purgation) in mild dose is prescribed in some cases. Vasti therapy is the process of medicated enema, where a lot of vata dosha related symptoms get relieved.
Raktamokshana: The process of bloodletting is an instant relief giver among the therapies. Symptoms like itching and burning sensations can be vanished immediteley after the raktamokshana. Different methods of bloodletting practiced in skin disease include jalauka(leech therapy), prachanam (pricking with needle) and siravyadha (venesection).
Takradhara: The bath with medicated buttermilk is a common modality used in psoriasis treatment. It is very effective in scalp psoriasis. Takradhara not only heals the physical lesions, but also have an impact on the psychic level. It relaxes the mind and will reduce the stress, one of the main triggering factors of psoriasis.
Abhyangam: The application of oil on the skin lesion will help to avoid dryness and scaling. The hardness of the skin can be reduced. By oil massage the circulation of the body can be traced back to normalcy.
Kashayadhara: In this process herbal decoction is poured over the body part affected with skin lesions. Various herbs like Neem, Aragwadha and Triphala are used in this and they possess the properties to purify the blood and soothens the skin texture.
Yoga: Practice of yoga also contributes in finding a physical and mental balance. Breathing techniques will provide a natural flow of energy and fluids through the body.
The modes operandi adopted in Ayurveda for the healing purpose is comprehensive. Diet and lifestyle correction, internal medication, external therapies and psychological health are included in this comprehensive approach. A large number of herbal and herbo-mineral preparations are available for treating psoriasis and similar skin diseases. Many researches and scientific data are available for substantiating the effect of such herbs in psoriasis. These herbs enter the channels and break the pathogenesis. They are cable of removing the accumulated toxins from the deeper tissues and bring back the normal functions. Ayurveda herbs which act as immune-booster are highly beneficial in psoriasis as this disease is an auto immune condition. Since many herbs possess synergetic effects, doctors in Ayurveda prescribe them for mental wellness too. There are very high chances of relapse in psoriasis. So doctors prescribe the herbs and therapies for the rejuvenation.
In Atreya Ayurveda, our team will guide you to avail a holistic healing in skin diseases including dreadful cases like psoriasis. We practice authentic Ayurveda with additional support of yoga and meditation.