PH: 0471 248 3737

Yoga therapy

Yoga therapy (therapeutic yoga) is a direction of healing yoga with an individual approach, aimed at healing and preventing a person’s physical, mental and spiritual problems.

Our yoga therapists have proven results in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, disc herniation, osteochondrosis, etc.)
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, constipation, ulcers, cholelithiasis, etc.)
  • Metabolic and endocrine system diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, thyroid disease, etc.);
  • Respiratory diseases (asthma, sinusitis, adenoids, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.)
  • Psychosomatic diseases (stress, depression, neurosis, stuttering, headache, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, etc.)
  • Infertility and sexual disorders in both sexes
  • Skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, allergies, etc.)
  • Cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, etc.)
  • Childhood diseases
  • Gynecological diseases (cycle disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, inflammation of the appendages, mastopathy, etc.)

For whom YOGA THERAPY is:

  • Who chooses Health.

If you understand that yoga is not just a fashionable movement and lotus pose on camera, but a fundamental science about health and balance (both physical and mental).

  • For the Conscious.

If you are aware of your problems and choose to resolve them . And we know how to help you with this.

  • Who values ​​their time.

You are ready to invest quality time to achieve the best fundamental results and achieve physical and mental health and balance.

  • For everyone, regardless of age and experience.

Our yoga therapists have specialized education and experience working with patients with various diseases, the elderly, children over 6 years old, and pregnant women. Yoga therapy is suitable even for beginners.

How the lesson goes:

  • A yoga therapist always works in conjunction with an Ayurveda doctor. The doctor chooses the vector of treatment, and the yoga therapist selects a set of asanas, breathing exercises and mudras that is right for you. If you have not been to our clinic yet – consultation with a Doctor 15 min. before class with a yoga therapist for you – FREE.
  • An individual lesson lasts 60 minutes, during which the yoga therapist will work with you on all the Doctor’s instructions to achieve the best treatment results.
  • Yoga therapy rooms are equipped with everything necessary and are regularly sanitized.

Yoga therapy options:

  • In person, in our clinic
  • Online (Online classes allow you to save time, while maintaining quality and safety. You practice under the supervision of a Master. You have no risk of doing anything wrong. In an online class, a yoga therapist will work with you all the exercises prescribed by the Doctor.)


In combination with other Ayurvedic treatment methods as prescribed by a doctor – deep healing of the root cause of the disease, complete healing or stable remission.


When the root cause of the disease is healed, other body systems are healed.

Working through such an important area as health can “tighten up” the material, the sphere of realization, relationships and the spiritual sphere.

Yoga in a regular salonYoga therapy at Atreya Ayurveda
Large group classes. The same exercises and asanas for everyone, without taking into account the individual health characteristics of each individual person.
Individual approach.
A yoga therapist will teach you exactly those asanas, pranayama, mudras and meditation that are right for you and will work for your healing.
The program is tailored to each patient, taking into account his current needs.
Without consulting a doctorStrictly as prescribed by a doctor and medical indications.
Your primary care physician works in conjunction with a yoga therapist. 
The yoga therapist strictly follows the instructions of your attending physician.
Work only with the bodyHolistic approach.
The yoga therapist uses asanas, pranayama, mudra and meditation during the session, which together restore the balance and health of the 3 main components SOUL-MIND-BODY.
They are conducted by trainers who have completed yoga teacher courses and have fairly superficial knowledge and little experience.They are conducted by Masters who have an academic fundamental education in the field of Yoga and Philosophy, giving them the right to teach and treat.
For example, one of our masters – Babu Kelot – has a scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Yoga Therapy.
Our Teachers are educated, have many years of experience and proven results.
Our yoga therapists are deeply personal because for them, yoga is a philosophy and a lifestyle that they practice every day.
Risk of infection due to gatherings of large groups of people.Medical license.
Equipment and regular sanitization of the yoga room with special medical disinfectants.
Risk of receiving incorrect interpretations.Confidence in the solid knowledge of teaching and medical staff. 
Help, attention and correction at all stages of treatment.

Unstable results.
It is possible that health may deteriorate if a person performs asanas that are contraindicated for him, but he does not know about it.
Fundamental results.
Yoga therapy plays a vital role in the healing of many diseases, both physical and neuropsychiatric.
You will be able to evaluate the results after 1 session yourself.  

Quick Contact

Atreya Ayurveda & Yoga Beach Retreat, Mottavila, Avaduthura, Vizhinjam PO Thiruvananthapuram-695521

0471 248 3737
