PH: 0471 248 3737

Yoga for teenagers 14-17

For whom:
for teenagers 14-17 years old who have entered adolescence, are experiencing hormonal changes, and are also subject to constant stress associated with studies, academic performance, upcoming exams and plans for the future. They are easily irritated, have difficulty finding a common language when communicating with peers and adults, and have difficulty setting goals and achieving goals. It is difficult to survive the period of preparing and passing the Unified State Examinations,

Did you find at least one of the signs in the description?

There is a solution!

Our yoga therapists have developed a program that contains specially selected asanas, mudras, and pranayama for the development of:

  • peace of mind
  • awareness
  • confidence
  • determination

Your teen will learn:

  • be aware of yourself, your desires, feelings and thoughts;
  • confidently manage your emotions;
  • build harmonious relationships with others;
  • will find a balance between feelings-thoughts-body;
  • manage your energy to achieve your goals.

Quick Contact

Atreya Ayurveda & Yoga Beach Retreat, Mottavila, Avaduthura, Vizhinjam PO Thiruvananthapuram-695521

0471 248 3737
