Oil massage of energy points (marmas) of the face, head, shoulder girdle, décolleté, and forearms. relieves stress and fatigue, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves skin elasticity, relaxes muscles, smoothes wrinkles. A widely recognized effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of most skin problems (such as furunculosis, wrinkles, dryness, premature aging of the skin). Various medicinal oils are used depending on the individual constitution and skin condition. Massage improves blood circulation and removes toxins from the skin, helps remove excess fat and deeply moisturizes the skin. A unique Ayurvedic massage technique removes excess Kapha (mucus) from the sinuses and cleanses the pranic channels in the facial area, ensuring continuous movement of prana. Massage improves facial skin tone, promotes its regeneration and rejuvenation, and gives it a radiant appearance.
Duration : 30 minutes