PH: 0471 248 3737

Sculpture Massage

Sculptural facial massage is a revolutionary non-surgical facial skin tightening technique aimed at improving facial contours, strengthening muscles and increasing skin tone. This technique combines the benefits of various types of massage, such as osteopathic, French, Japanese and lymphatic drainage. Tangible results after the first session. During the massage, a complex lifting effect is achieved, since:

  • all types of facial muscles are worked out,
  • the lymph flow in the subcutaneous layers is normalized
  • massage movements affect nerve receptors, allowing you to eliminate spasms of facial muscles.

Indications for sculptural massage

Fuzzy oval face
Sculptural massage tightens the oval of the face, the contours become clearer and smoother, and the cheekbones are emphasized. 
The double chin disappears.

Age-related skin changes 
Helps reduce visible signs of aging on the face and décolleté. 
Launches the processes of regeneration and self-rejuvenation.

Helps reduce, and in some cases completely eliminate, nasolabial and eyebrow folds, wrinkles around the eyes and lips, and facial wrinkles.

Puffiness and bags under the eyes
Massage helps to cope with fluid stagnation, activates lymph flow, which additionally has a detox effect.

The effect of a course of sculptural massage

  • muscle strengthening
  • increasing skin tone
  • detoxification in deep layers
  • increasing tissue oxygenation
  • improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • reduction of puffiness and fine lines
  • relaxation and relief of tension in facial muscles

Contraindications include: acute skin inflammation, subdermal injections using fillers or botulinum toxin in the last two months, acne, herpes, and any infectious diseases.

Stages of the procedure

Sculptural massage is a complex technique that requires the performer to have deep knowledge of the structure of facial anatomy (the structure of the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, lymph, bones). Our cosmetologists know everything about facial anatomy, marmas (vital points located on the face) and master the technique of sculptural massage at a high professional level. The session begins with stroking and warming the skin to prepare it for more intense treatment. After “warming up,” the cosmetologist uses tapping, pinching movements, kneading the face along massage lines. Special attention is paid to stimulating lymph outflow through working out the area of ​​lymphatic collectors. A sculptural massage session takes about 60 minutes.

Stages include:

  • Cleansing the skin and preparing it for massage
  • Warming massage on the décolleté and face
  • Intensive massage with gradually increasing range of motion

Quick Contact

Atreya Ayurveda & Yoga Beach Retreat, Mottavila, Avaduthura, Vizhinjam PO Thiruvananthapuram-695521

0471 248 3737
