Naushad Ali Tacha Paramban, N.F. Rzhanitsina, S.A. Maiskaya – Medical Center “NAAMI” (Moscow, Russia)
Ayurveda Magazine, 1997
Characteristics of 85 patients who underwent consultation at the NAAM MC
Age of patients: 55 people. aged from 30 to 50, 30 people. from 51 to 70 years. Of these, 57 are men, 28 are women.
Disabled people – 30 people, 2 gr. disabled people 3 gr. – 45 people
All of them worked at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or in the 30-kilometer zone at the time of the disaster and at different periods of time. Their specialties: nuclear scientists, technical personnel, military personnel, environmentalists, economists, and medical workers.
Types of diseases
As a rule, all patients presented complaints of a varied nature, characteristic of numerous lesions. Patients often complained of headaches of varying intensity, dizziness, memory loss, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances – i.e. symptoms characteristic of radiation damage to the body.
Also, most patients complained of pain in the spine and joints, classified as osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, discogenic lesions of the spine and osteoporosis.
Many patients also presented complaints characteristic of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, corresponding to chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and enterocolitis. As well as complaints related to damage to the liver and gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys. Patients often complained of periodic rises in blood pressure, pain in the heart area, and cardiac arrhythmias. Their medical history included hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular lesions, angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias.
A decrease in immune status was accompanied by frequent colds and allergic diseases.
Classification of diseases in accordance with the Ayurvedic prognosis
According to the Ayurvedic principle, the diseases of our patients can be classified as follows:
Treatment of diseases
Treatment of diseases, which are classified as easily curable (sukhasatya) and difficult to treat (krisra sadhya), is carried out through the correct application of various types of therapies such as medicinal (shamana) and purification therapy (shodhana), as well as through proper diet. and regimen, selected in accordance with the condition of the patients.
Monitoring the course of the disease
In cases of diseases that require constant medication (yapya), our goal is to control the course of the disease and alleviate the patient’s condition through medications, cleansing, diet and regimen. The regime must include yoga classes.
Carrying out preventive measures
Preventive measures include two phases:
a) Therapy that helps cleanse overexcited doshas (shodhana), as well as therapy that rejuvenates and increases the immune properties of the body (rasayana).
b) The second phase of preventive measures is aimed at improving the neuropsychic state of the patient.
Daily yoga classes help normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition, overcome stressful situations – and thus prevent psychosomatic diseases.
Our Center treated victims of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. All patients have chronic multisystem pathology, and they have been treated with pharmacotherapy for a long time. We offer you two clinical examples from different patient groups for your consideration. From the first group – treatable, but difficult, and from the third group – incurable patients.
Yuri Dmitrievich K., born in 1962, participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986.
Radiation dose unknown, disabled person of group 3 since 1995. Observed in the department of radiation medicine of the Moscow Research Institute of Diagnostics and Surgery with diagnosis: “Discirculatory encephalopathy of the 2nd degree with cephalgic syndrome and cerebral circulatory failure. Aseptic necrosis of the heads of both femoral bones with predominant damage to the right joint. Severe osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, discogenic radiculitis. Hypertension of the 2nd degree. Chronic cholecystitis”.
The patient presented for consultation on February 29, 1996, limping and using a cane. Complaints: constant pain of varying intensity – from severe to aching in both hip joints, intensifying when walking even a short distance. Pain in the right hip joint is more pronounced than in the left; complaints of dull pain in the lumbar spine radiating to the feet, more pronounced on the right, headaches, irritability, weakness.
He considers himself sick since 1987, when he began to notice vascular changes in the lower extremities, trophic changes in the skin of the legs, a feeling of increased fatigue after physical activity, and pain in the ankle joints. After steroid therapy, these phenomena decreased.
In May 1993, slight pain appeared in the right hip joint, gradually increasing. When examining the hip joints using computed tomography on May 11, 1995, foci of destruction, cystic restructuring, areas of osteoporosis, compaction of the subchondral plate of the joint were found in the head of the right hip joint; the left hip joint was without any features. Conclusion: destructive changes in the head of the right hip joint, signs of deforming arthrosis.
In May 1995, pain appeared in the left hip joint. Diagnosis: “Aseptic necrosis of the heads of both femoral bones with a predominant lesion of the right joint.”
As a result of an Ayurvedic examination, a diagnosis was made: astshatavata with astikshayam in both hip joints.
By this time, the patient had muscle wasting of the right thigh – 56 cm, the diameter of the left thigh – 62 cm, pain when palpating the lumbar spine at the level of the L4, L5 segments and both hip joints. Ayurvedic prognosis: since in the right head of the hip joint there are foci of destruction, cystic restructuring, areas of osteoporosis and compaction of the subchondral plate of the joint, there is no real possibility of restoring the bone structure using a conservative treatment method. But the degeneration process can be stopped. Degenerative changes in the left joint that began 6 months ago can be restored.
Since bone disease is difficult to cure (krsira sadhya), it requires long-term therapy. The patient was warned that the disease was difficult to treat.
The treatment was aimed at reducing the enlarged Vata and normalizing the structure of bone tissue (astidhatu).
According to Ayurvedic principles, degenerative bone changes are treated with medicated ghee (ghee) prepared with bitter herbs. Ghee is used internally and in the form of oil enemas.
On June 10, 1996, drug treatment was prescribed: No. 1. A decoction consisting of several herbal components, the action of which is aimed at normalizing Vata, and it is especially useful for degenerative changes in the bones (gugulutiktagam kmiayam). Prescribed: 15 ml + 60 ml of water 1 hour before breakfast and 1 hour before dinner.
No. 2. Sesame oil prepared with a decoction of the herb and milk, the effect of which is aimed at reducing Vata (shiirabala). Prescribed: 15 drops. Added to medicine No. 1.
On June 13, 1996, the patient was hospitalized in the department of radiation medicine of the Moscow Research Institute of Diagnostics and Surgery for Ayurvedic treatment by cleansing and massage.
From June 17, 1996, he was prescribed preparatory treatment for cleansing – taking medicinal ghee in a high dose (snehapanam) and bitter-tasting ghee prepared with herbs included in medicine No. 1, the action of which is aimed at reducing Vata and improving bone structure fabrics. Prescribed: 30 ml at 7 o’clock on an empty stomach. At 11 o’clock the patient developed nausea and vomiting. The next day, an aversion to this medicine appeared and the dose had to be reduced.
Since the dose was reduced, the form of action has also changed (snehapanam has become vicharana – taking small doses of ghee). Prescribed: 15 ml at 7 am on an empty stomach and in the evening after dinner.
Starting from 06/19/96, a special type of massage (pizhichil) with medicinal oil (Dhanvantaram) was used. According to Ayurvedic principles, this type of massage causes normalization of Vata within 14 days. The healing effect of the oil passes through all tissues of the body. After each massage session and 1 hour before dinner, the patient took medications No. 1 and No. 2.
In addition, the patient was prescribed No. 4, a medicinal oil that promotes bone tissue regeneration (Gandha Tailam). Prescribed: 15 drops. with half a glass of warm milk before bed.
After 3 sessions, the patient experienced increased pain in the left hip joint, which lasted for 2 days. Then the pain stopped. After 5 days, the pain in the right joint decreased. In total, we managed to conduct 13 massage sessions, because… the patient was discharged. Unfortunately, the clinic was closed for the summer.
However, control radiographs of the hip joints taken 4 weeks after the start of Ayurvedic treatment revealed: aseptic necrosis of the head of the right hip bone; no pathology was detected in the left hip joint.
The patient was offered outpatient treatment, which included cleansing in the form of a single dose of laxative and oil enemas in small doses for 14 days. At the same time, he was recommended to take medications No. 3 and No. 4.
At the follow-up examination, which took place 5 weeks after the start of treatment, the patient came without a cane, limping significantly less. He noticed that the pain in the left hip joint did not bother him, but in the right it had become significantly less. Over the past 4 weeks there have been no headaches and I have become much calmer. It was recommended to continue taking medications No. 3 and No. 4.
08/18/96 – 2 months after the start of Ayurvedic treatment, the patient was examined at the CITO. The surgeon’s conclusion: the left hip joint is without pathology, and the process of degeneration in the head of the right hip joint has stopped.
The patient was offered surgery for artificial implantation of only the right hip joint.
Summary: if such disorders are diagnosed in the early stages and treated in accordance with Ayurvedic principles, then the patient can be completely cured and it is possible to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Lyubov Nikolaevna D. born in 1959, participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, radiation dose unknown, group 2 disabled person since 1994.
Observed in the department of radiation medicine of the Moscow Research Institute of Diagnostics and Surgery with the diagnosis: “Discirculatory encephalopathy with astheno -neurotic syndrome, tendinosis of the sacroiliac ligaments, nodular goiter (non-palpable form), nephroptosis on the left, ovarian dysfunction in the stage of drug compensation.” At the first consultation at the Medical Center, the patient complained of constant dull or sharp headaches, worsening in the evening, especially against the background of physical or emotional stress, dull pain in the cervicothoracic region and severe pain in the lumbosacral spine, radiating to the lower extremities, for sharp pain in the knee joints, intensifying after walking and in the cold season, “crunching” in the area of the knee joints when walking, for constant weakness.
He considers himself sick since 1990, when headaches first appeared, at first intermittent and mild. Then they began to gradually intensify and became permanent. Beginning in 1992, due to severe headaches, the patient repeatedly lost consciousness. Dull pain in the lumbar region appeared three years ago, gradually intensifying. Weakness in the lower extremities appeared at the same time, intensifying in the evening. On palpation, she noted sharp pain in the area of segments C5, C6, L4, L5.
As a result of Ayurvedic diagnostics, a diagnosis was made: headaches of the Vata type, back pain due to an increase in Vata (shirashula – type Vata, Katigraha, Sandigata Vata).
From March 18, 1996, the patient was prescribed yoga classes – 10 asanas with a weekly follow-up examination. After 3 months of regular yoga classes, she began to feel cheerful, fresh, energetic and balanced. Now she could control her temper and overcome stressful situations.
From 07.07.96, a course of drug therapy was prescribed: No. 1. Medicinal ghee (ghee with a complex of herbs), the effect of which is aimed at reducing headaches of the Vata-Inducanta-ghritam type. Appointed: 2 people in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime, with 0.5 glasses of warm milk
No. 2. A decoction of several herbal components, the effect of which is aimed at normalizing Vata, eliminating headaches, improving vascular blood flow to the brain – Varanadi cough. Prescribed: 15 ml + 60 ml of boiled chilled water an hour after breakfast and an hour before dinner
No. 3. Medicinal ghee, the action of which is aimed at normalizing Vata and normalizing the state of the nervous system – Dhanvantaram (101). Prescribed: 15 drops. in medicine No. 2.
No. 4. Medicinal ghee, the action of which is aimed at normalizing Vata in osteoarticular lesions – Dhanvantaram Thaikam. Assigned: to warm up and apply a compress to the area of the cervical, lumbosacral spine and knee joints.
A week after starting to use the medication, while practicing yoga, she completely stopped pain in the cervical and lumbosacral spine, in the knee joints, and the “crunching” in the joints also disappeared. The headaches decreased, but did not stop. It was recommended to cancel reception Nos. 2, 3, 4.
Nasya therapy was prescribed, aimed at normalizing altered Doga with symptoms of head and neck diseases. Therapy consists of instilling Kshirabah oil (7) into both nasal turbinates, 10 drops each. every day. After 7 days, the headaches were significantly reduced. After a 3-day break, a repeat course of 7 sessions was carried out, after which the headaches completely disappeared, but a slight weakness remained. All medications prescribed above were stopped and No. 1 Aohasavam was prescribed – a natural enzyme that has a tonic effect, and No. 2 Chyawanprash, which rejuvenates and strengthens the immune system.
On September 17, 1996, 3 months after the start of drug therapy, the patient came for a follow-up examination. Over the past 2 months after the end of treatment, she felt well: there were no headaches, pain in the spine or joints, she became much calmer, and her performance increased. There was still some feeling of discomfort due to the change in weather. It is recommended to continue taking Chyawanprash and doing yoga.
Summary: since the patient strictly followed the recommendations – she regularly practiced yoga, followed a diet and regimen, and constantly took the prescribed therapy, we were able to achieve good results in such a short period of time, but for a complete recovery it is necessary to conduct a full course of Ayurvedic treatment in an inpatient setting.
I would like to note that during the short period of time during which the treatment measures were carried out, the majority of patients experienced positive subjective dynamics, expressed in the cessation or significant reduction of headaches, dizziness, pain associated with changes in the spine and joints, and significantly improved activity cardiovascular system, blood pressure was normalized or significantly decreased, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system was improved, sleep was normalized, irritability decreased and performance increased.
Unfortunately, for a number of reasons beyond our control, during this period we were unable to obtain complete objective confirmation of the improvement in the well-being of patients in the planned group of patients due to the closure of the clinic for the summer period. But, nevertheless, we came to the following conclusions:
To obtain lasting treatment results, most patients with this complex multisystem pathology need to undergo a full course of Ayurvedic treatment, including: the preparatory stage of taking Ayurvedic medications, special types of medicinal massages, five types of cleansing measures etc.
For most patients, treatment must begin in an inpatient setting, followed by maintenance therapy in an outpatient setting.