Netra – a rejuvenating Ayurvedic massage for the delicate skin around the eyes actively fights swelling, dark circles, fine wrinkles and creases that give the face a tired look and add age.
No recovery: required
Recommended number of procedures: as needed
Effect: Instant, cumulative
Procedure time: 30 minutes
Massage is often used as a complementary treatment to massage treatments.
Indications: puffiness, wrinkles, loss of turgor, creases and wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, millia. Dry skin, with visible signs of aging and fatigue.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
More about the procedure
Toning massage for the skin around the eyes “Netra” is a rare procedure in Russia. Using the thousand-year experience of Ayurveda and absolutely natural preparations, Netra is able to restore clarity and an open look to your eyes, remove swelling, reduce wrinkles and creases, and rid you of dark circles. During the massage, the movement of lymph increases, as a result of which swelling goes away, and the cells are freed from toxins. The cosmetologist also acts on marma points in the eye area, which helps activate regeneration processes and stimulates the production of one’s own collagen, which is responsible for a healthy, young and fit appearance. skin.
Regular massage can also improve the quality of vision.
Main stages of the procedure:
Effect of the procedure:
Duration – 30 mins